Sunday, 5 December 2010

‘भेड़िये’ कहानी पर नामवर सिंह की टिप्पणीः

परिन्दे की तारिफ में नामवर सिंह ने अपनी आलोचना की जमीन बनाते हुए लिखा थाः पढ़ने पर सहसा विश्वास नहीं होता कि यह कहानी उसी भाषा की है जिसमें अभी तक लोग शहर, गांव, कस्बा और तिकोने प्रेम को लेकर जूझ रहे हैं। उनके इस वक्तव्य को लक्ष्य करते हुए जब उनसे भुवनेश्वर की भेड़िये कहानी की ओर इशारा किया गया तब सहसा उनका चेहरा चमका, कुछ ऐसा लगा कि गलत अंदाज के कारण कोई महत्वपूर्ण चीज उनसे छूट गयी है या समझने में ऐसी कोई खोट हुई है जिससे कहानी का इतिहास और आलोचना बुरी तरह प्रभावित हुए हैं। उन्होंने कहा कि कहानी मुझे थोड़ी-थोड़ी याद है लेकिन मुझे विश्वास नहीं होता कि हिंदी में, अपनी हिंदी में- तब की बात तो दूर है अब भी कोई ऐसी कहानी लिखी जा सकती है? फिर उन्होंने अंदाज बदला और कहा, मेरे भाई, यह कहानी निश्चित रूप से किसी विदेशी कहानी का अनुवाद है। जरा मुझे यह समझा दिजिए कि यह कहानी क्या है? किस तरह की है? और इसे हिंदी कहानी के रूप में कैसे विश्वासनीय माना जाये। आमतौर पर नामवर जी इस तरह की बातें अपने बुजुर्गों से भी नहीं करते। अपने विद्यार्थी से- एक अदना विद्यार्थी से- ऐसा कहना न केवल आकस्मिक था बल्कि उत्साहवर्धक भी था। लेकिन नामवर जी की यह एक शैली है। अक्सर वह जमीन से बातें उठाते हैं और साधारण कही जाने वाली स्थितियों में असाधारण और निरुपम की तलाश करते हैं। वह समय भी कुछ ऐसा था जब बातचीत के सिलसिले में बड़े छोटे का भेद मिट जाया करता है और खामख्याली, खैय्यामख्याली में बदल जाया करती है।

नामवर सिंह

मैंने कहानी को समझने के लिए नहीं, इम्तहान देने के लिए और एक अच्छी बारीक अर्थात् हिंदी की एक महत्वपूर्ण कहानी की ओर ध्यान आकृष्ट करने के लोभ में भेड़िये को समझाने का खतरा उठाया और एक परीक्षार्थी की तरह कहानी के कुछ बारीक हिस्से उनके सामने किये। सबसे पहले मैंने उन्हें समझाया कि यह कहानी एक संज्ञा के नामिक रूपांतरण की कहानी है। किस तरह जिंदगी की निर्मम स्थितियां जीने की कोशिश, और मौत का हादसा- आदमी को क्रमशः आदमी के बाहर ले जाते हैं और  एक अच्छे-खासे जवान पट्ठे को बूढ़े बदहवास खूंखार इंसान में बदल देते हैं। किस तरह एक इफ्तिखार- खारू बन जाता है और किस तरह कहानी, शहर, गांव, कस्बे और तिकोने प्रेम की ऊंची चहारदीवारी के बाहर निकलकर एक वीरान रेगिस्तान, उड़ती हुई धूल और उसमें मीलों दूरी से दौड़ते हुए आदमखोर भेड़ियों के झुंड से जुड़ जाती है। इफ्तिखार के खारू के रूप में बदल जाने की नियति में, एक लंबा रेगिस्तान है, भागते हुए भेड़िये हैं, भागता हुआ गड्डा (बैलगाड़ी) है, भावनाहीन ढंग से फेकें हुए सामान है। खूबसूरत, मोटी, मुहब्बत से भरी लाचार औरतें हैं, बूढ़ा बाप है, नये जूते हैं और मौत की एक ऐसी दहशत है जो इफ्तिखार को खारू  बना देती है, भुवनेश्वर ने बड़ी सूक्ष्मता से रेगिस्तान के दहशत की रचना की है और उससे भी ज्यादा कौशल के साथ घटनाओं का चयन किया है।
पहली घटना है- भेड़ियों की बढ़ती हुई भीड़ से बचने के लिए बाप के संकेत पर खारू तीन बैलों में से एक बैल को खोल देता है। जब बैल खा लिये जाते हैं तो इफ्तिखार तीन में से सबसे मोटी नटिनी को उठाकर भेड़ियों के लिए फेंक देता है, जैसे वह औरत न हो मामूली सामान हो। नटिनी भागती है और फिर घूमकर खड़ी हो जाती है, यह जानकर कि भागना बेकार है, फिर भेड़िये के बीच ऐसे खो जाती है, जैसे कुएं में गिर पड़ी हो। दूसरी घटना है-  इफ्तिखार अपने बाप या बड़े मियां के संकेत से एक बैल और खोल देता है। बैल के खुलने पर बड़े मियां की आँख में आंसू आ जाते हैं। इसलिए बड़े मियां हुक्स देते हैं कि दूसरी लड़की भी फेंको। और दूसरी लड़की भी सामान की तरह गिरा दी जाती है। वह जैसे गिरती है वैसी ही पड़ी रहती है। तीसरी लड़की जिससे इफ्तिखार का प्रेम है, जब फेंके जाने की स्थिति में पहुंचती है तो इफ्तिखार कहता है कि, तुम खुद कूद पड़ोगी या मैं तुम्हें ढकेल दूं। लड़की चांदी की नथ उतारकर देती हुई बाहों से आँख बंद किये भेड़ियों के बीच कूद जाती है। तीसरी घटना और दहशत से भरी हुई है जब बड़े मियां अर्थात खारू का बाप कहता है कि मैं बूढ़ा आदमी हूं, मेरी जिंदगी खत्म हो गयी है, मैं कूद पड़ूंगा, बूढ़ा बाप मरने से पहले अपने नये जूते बेटे के लिए छोड़ता है और कहता है- मरे हुए आदमी के जूते नहीं पहने जाते, तुम इन्हें बेच देना।
ये तीन घटनाएं इतनी सावधानी से चुनी गयी है कि इनके घटते-घटते बाकी जिंदगी के लिए इफ्तिखार खारू बन जाता है और उसकी आंखों में एक अनहोनी कठिनता आ जाती है। घटनाओं और स्थितियों को कहानीकार ने इतनी कुशलता से चुना है कि इन्हें एक संज्ञा से विकसित दूसरी संज्ञा के विकास स्तरों से अच्छी तरह छोड़ दिया है।
कहानी के रचना-तंत्र को समझने के लिए यह जानना जरूरी है कि नाम, स्थितियों और घटनाओं के चचन को, रचनात्मक क्रिया में रूपांतरण के लिए, लेखक किस तरह के शब्दों का चयन करता है। भेड़िये कहानी से तीन व्यक्तित्व नियामक इकाइयां चुनी जा सकती है। ये तीनों इकाइयां लेखकीय हैं और नाटक के रंग-निर्देश की तरह सूचनात्मक हैं।
पहली इकाईः
उसका असली नाम शायद इफ्तिखार या ऐसी ही कुछ था। पर उसका लघुकरण खारू बिल्कुल चस्पा होता था, उसके चारों ओर ऐसी ही दुरूह, दुर्भेद किठनता थी। उसकी आंखे ठंडी और जमी हुई थीं और घनी सफेद मूंछों के नीचे उसका मुख इतना ही अमीनुषी और  निर्दय था जितना एक चूहेदान।
दूसरी इकाईः
जीवन से वह निपटारा कर चुका था। मौत उसे नहीं चाहती थी। पर तब भी वह समय के मुंह पर थूककर जीवित था। तुम्हारी भली या बुरी राय की परवाह किये बिना भी वह कभी झूठ नहीं बोलता था और अपने निर्दय कटु सत्य से मानो वह दिखला देता था कि सत्य भी कितना ऊसर और भयानक होता है।
तीसरी इकाईः
उसकी आँखों में एक अनहोनी कठिनता आ गयी और वह भूखा नंगा उठाकर सीधा खड़ा हो गया। व्यक्ति-सूचन और व्यक्तित्व-निर्णय के बीच लेखक ने कहानी में एक सौ सैंतालीस पंक्तियों का उपयोग किया है। ये पंक्तियां स्थिति-सूचन और घटना वर्णन के रूप में प्रयुक्त हुई हैं। स्थूल रूप में भाषिक-क्रिया को इन्हीं दो हिस्सों के बीच जीवन से संग्राम करते हुए एक आदमी के आस-पास ऐसी विरोधी जटिलताओं को उपस्थित किया है, जिसके भीतर सारी मानवीय संवेदनाएं निरस्त हो जाती हैं। कहानी के भीतर आदमी की शख्शियत को मार देने वाला जो खौफ है, वह इतना तेज है जितना रेगिस्तान में दौड़ता हुआ गड्डा(बैलगाड़ी) उतना तेज है जितना जिंदा आदमी का पीछा करता हुआ भेड़ियों का एक समूह, उतना तेज है जितनी आदमी के भीतर जिंदगी की खत्म होती हुई दिलचस्पियों की रफ्तार।
व्याख्याओं का यह सिलसिला खत्म होने के पहले ही नामवर जी का चेहरा फक्क पड़ चुका था और उन्हें यह लग गया था कि शहर, गांव, कस्बा और तिकोने प्रेम को लेकर जूझती हुई कहानी से अलग होने वाली पहली कहानी परिन्दे नहीं; भेड़िये है।
उन्होंने अपने मित्र नगेन्द्र सिंह की ओर मुड़कर देखा और मेरे बजाय उन्हीं से पूछना बेहतर समझा, क्या भेड़िये हिंदी की कहानी है? “ उत्तर मैंने ही दिया, जी हां, भेड़िये हिंदी की पहली सशक्त कहानी है जिसे पढ़े और समझे बिना लेखन और आलोचन दोनों स्तरों पर घटिया, भावुक और अमूर्त रचनाओं को प्रतिष्ठा मिलती रही है।

डॉ शुकदेव सिंह और डॉ नामवर सिहं की बातचीत का अंश।

Tuesday, 31 August 2010

Where is the ‘Pak’ in ‘Pakistan’?

Last week at a boardroom luncheon in Sydney, many people asked me about the floods in Pakistan, gave their condolences and shared their views on the humanitarian disaster. One person actually asked me, ‘What is the meaning of Pakistan’, and ‘What does it stand for?’

‘Pak’ means pure and ‘Stan’ means land, so essentially it means land of the pure, I retorted almost robotically. After I answered that question I thought to myself, either I would make a great politician or a great diplomat because although the answer was correct, my sentiments didn’t match my answer as I continued to smile and make excuses for why there was so much of Pakistan to be salvaged, restored, preserved and promoted. Deep down, I had a guilty parasite of conscience making me sick to the stomach. This time even I didn’t think I had the momentum of positivity to swing the pendulum of hope in the right direction. Recently with all the doom and gloom surrounding Pakistan I wrote an article on Pakistan being a symbol of survival and how we should concentrate on its strengths as a nation: adversity, survival, endurance, courage, faith and hope.

However, what happened a week ago with the Sialkot public killings has shaken all my foundations of what I stand for, what I believe in and the core of my character. I am an optimist and I am not a quitter, I have always lived by the rule ‘never give up’ and I know these are also the traits that keep Pakistan alive.

Since seeing the footage of the killings, I cannot make excuses anymore, how do I defend or explain this latest incident to those who ask, and what angle of optimism can I implore?

Pakistan, the land of the pure. Almost. The land of the pure corruption, the land of the pure hatred, pure violence, pure demise, pure injustice.

That is one way of describing it, but in my mind I think of it as Slakistan (a slack country because of its slack governance, and a lakh reasons why we lack any kind of purity) or Darkistan (why instead of going forwards, we are retreating backwards).

I, like the rest of the nation am sickened, disgusted, and absolutely lost for words at the barbaric bashings in Sialkot. In this day and age, where animal cruelty is given as much importance as human rights, how the hell does this: firstly happen, secondly in public, thirdly video taped, fourthly with policemen joining in, fifthly no one stopping it, and sixth no justice?

I’m not overly religious, but I do know that Ramazan is the holiest month of the year. It is a time for reflecting, a time for forgiving and a time for salvation. I know in the month of Ramazan, I think twice before even hurting a fly, spider or insect, yet how can this mass crowd of Muslim men beat the life out of the 15 and 19 year old brothers, one of whom was a hafiz-e-Quran. How could these men have opened their iftaar knowing they had just killed two boys, how could they go home and look at their own sons in the eyes and not see the souls of those two brothers?

In Australia recently, a couple of boys were arrested for torturing some kittens at a train station. That had the whole nation in shock. Here, we are talking about beating to death two young human beings. I watched as these boys, half clothed, were kicked, beaten mercilessly, desperate for someone to stop the injustice. No, it was spectators at a gladiatorial game, it was as if the more blood they smelt the more excited they became. They weren’t going to stop until they had the finality of death with the two brothers like hapless helpless mosquito’s buzzing around hanging on to their final breaths and final moments of freedom. The more dying movements from the struggling boys caused more men to join in, including the police and even a young child at one stage. It was entertainment, it was thrilling, and it was a blood sport. It was ok, because they weren’t related to them. It was ok, because these boys had supposedly committed a robbery, and it was ok because they were supposedly ‘upholding’ the law.

So here too is an argument from that perspective. I have been a victim of a gang of thieves in Pakistan, held hostage in my home with a gun to my head and robbed of all my jewellery, money and valuables. If those people were ever caught, I would never even think of subjecting them to physical torture, let alone death – and this is with the knowledge and certainty of their guilt because I was there. How do we know those two boys were guilty of the alleged crime, when apparently they were returning home with only bags containing cricket equipment? If anything, I am grateful to my robbers that they didn’t kill me when they so easily could have as is the norm for many similar incidents in Pakistan. As we all know, the value of a human life in Pakistan is nothing, if anything it is a burden on society.

The other tragic part of this case is that no one is prepared to tackle the issue, talk about it, deal with it or try and even heal the wound. What about the spiritual, ethical, and moral medicine that is required to move forward? The media have their hands full reporting on the floods and putting a human face on the tragedy to encourage immediate monetary and aid response. The politicians are avoiding the incident by concentrating on all the work they aren’t doing for the floods, through empty speeches and empty promises.

In Australia we have just had a federal election with the result being a hung Parliament. I think the politicians in Pakistan should hang their heads in shame for sitting back and doing nothing, and for letting the land of the pure become the land of the poor.

Someone was right when they said Pakistan was born in Sialkot when Allama Iqbal the great poet and spiritual founder of Pakistan was born there, and Pakistan died in Sialkot with the brutal bashing and public murder of the two brothers. Allama Iqbal himself was right when one of his poetic phrases turned out to be a prediction: “Nations are born in the hearts of poets, they prosper and die in the hands of politicians.”

North Korea's Kim Makes Powerful Juche Step as Pyongyang Suffocates

The visit of the North Korean leader Kim Jong Il to China surrounded by a veil of secrecy triggered a wave of various theories in the media. Meanwhile, the media of the DPRK have not reported on the Beijing visit of Kim Jong Il.

The KCNA agency noted on Thursday that the leader of the country supervised the work of one of Pyongyang industrial enterprises on-site, while no specific dates were named. Chinese media and official sources also remain silent about the arrival of the leader of DPRK to China. The fact of the Pyongyang visit of the leader to Beijing is based solely on the assumptions of South Korean analysts, who likely based them on the dispatches of his agents to the DPRK.

According to South Korean news agency Yonhap, the armored train of the chairman of the Defense Committee of the DPRK and the top leaders of the country crossed the border with China at dawn, but it got there not through the usual route via the border cities of Sinuiju and Dandong, but through the city of Manpho in the mountainous province of Chagang and went to the province Jilin.

Second Korean War possible – author

As tensions rise between the North and the South, will the Korean peninsula see a second major war?
Brian Myers, a professor and author of “The Cleanest Race: How North Koreans See Themselves and Why It Matters” argues that North Korea suffers from a superiority complex, similar to that of Imperial Japan during the Pacific campaign of WWII.
“It’s really a very radical kind of nationalism, it’s a sort of race based nationalism,” said Myers.
North Korean see the Korean race as morally and spiritually superior to all others.
“The Korean people were not always like this. They did not have any strong sense of racial belonging actually until, ironically enough, until the Japanese instilled it in them during the colonial period,” said Myers.
North Korea is continuing to threaten all-out war with the South if it chooses to retaliate for the sinking of the Cheonan navy ship. This is not the first time North Korea has threatened war, but Myers argues this time it may be different and that North Korea could act on its threats.
“North Korea is undergoing an economic crisis right now; it’s also undergoing an ideological crisis in the sense that the North Korean people are gradually becoming aware that the South Korean people are not only richer then they are, but that they are perfectly happy living in their own Republic of Korea; that they have no desire to live under Kim Jong-Il’s rule. That’s something that’s quite new,” said Myers.
An increased chance of military conflict exists because of the internal domestic crises in North Korea.
“It might very well make it more necessary for the regime to engage in some kind of diversionary conflict. In other words, some kind of conflict with South Korea that would divert the attention of the North Korean people away from the ongoing economic crisis and ideological crisis that they’re going through at home,” said Myers.

There are indications that Kim Jong Il traveled to China. What exactly was the purpose of the visit and the destination, and where the North Korean leader had arrived, is currently being investigated, said a source from Yonhap agency.

According to South Korean TV channel YTN, which refers to a source close to the president of South Korea, during his visit to China Kim Jong Il was accompanied by his youngest son, Kim Jong Un.

The latter information immediately raised a number of theories that the “beloved leader” decided to show his “elder brothers” in Beijing his new North Korean dauphin, who will inherit unlimited full power of his parent. Sam Kim Jong Il, as we know, also received it from his father, the “Great Leader,” the first head of the North Korean state and the founder of the Workers' Party of Korea Kim Il Sung, who died in 1994.

According to the line of the Workers' Party of Korea (WPK), the revolution cannot be completed within one generation, and management of this process should be transferred to the next one. According to the DPRK, it is best when the power is transferred from father to son, to avoid the consequences of the regime change that have been observed in China and the former Soviet Union. However, until recently, all the assumptions about the transfer of power in Pyongyang to one of the sons of Kim Jong Il were based on mere guesses.

Kim Jong Il, in spite of media reports on the deterioration of health appearing from time to time, is firmly holding the reins of power in the DPRK.

North Korean leader rarely leaves his country. The last time he was away from Pyongyang for a visit to China in early May. The extraordinariness of the current visit to China causes analysts to link this trip to the first North Korea Conference of representatives of the Workers' Party of Korea in the last 40 years. This is the place where in early September a smooth transfer of power to the new “beloved leader” may occur.

However, there is not a word about it in the lead story of Rodong Sinmun newspaper. Instead, the chief party organ of the WPK emphasizes: “The monolithic unity around Kim Jong Il's ideological purity, organizational integrity and unity of action – that’s the revolutionary character of our party, which will be even more clearly demonstrated at the party conference.” So the demonstration of the North Korean Dauphin is only one theory of Kim Jong Il's visit to Beijing.

Among other theories, the Director of the Center for International Development and Cooperation of South Korea's Institute of Foreign Economic Policy Cho Myong Chol named the desire of North Korean leader to obtain military aid of Beijing in the face of threats from Washington, Tokyo and Seoul.

According to South Korean TV and radio channel, currently joint training Chhunmu-9000 is held by the United States and the Ministry of National Unification of South Korea. Their purpose is “working out military option of surrender of North Korea, which will require joint efforts to stabilize the North.” In particular, employees of government departments in South Korea are preparing for the transfer of management of the governmental structures of the DPRK and the integration of population after the end of the stabilization measures. Currently the exercises that have been held under the maneuvers “Eulji - Freedom Guardian” since August16 involve, according to the media, 30,000 U.S. military.

Increased military maneuvers obviously disturb the North Korean leaders, who until recently threatened to give “strong physical response” to South Korean militarists. But to perform this in practice, and not just words, Pyongyang requires both military and political support of Beijing. In addition, the country is now in dire need of economic aid from its northern neighbor after the devastating floods this summer.

Another theory, which analysts do not rule out, is the possibility of resuming negotiations on the denuclearization of the Korean peninsula. If Kim Jong Il is indeed in China, experts say, this topic may be again touched upon during the negotiations with the Chinese leadership.

During his previous visit, in the talks with President Hu Jintao, Kim Jong Il expressed his commitment to the denuclearization of the Korean peninsula. In addition, the two leaders called on the remaining participants of the six-party talks “to demonstrate the sincerity and efforts to advance the negotiations.” At the same time, Kim Jong Il promised that the DPRK will work with China to create favorable conditions for their resumption.

The six-party talks launched in 2003 were ongoing with varying success until April 2009, when Pyongyang announced its withdrawal from the process in response to new sanctions of the UN Security Council. Shortly thereafter, in May, North Korea conducted another nuclear test. Return to the negotiation process led to the lifting of North Korean sanctions. In mid-August, the issue of the resumption of negotiations of the Six was discussed in Pyongyang by the special representative of the Government of China on the Korean Peninsula Wu Dawei.

Today Pyongyang is suffocating in the grip of sanctions; therefore Beijing will want to take this opportunity to make a “breakthrough” in the DPRK nuclear issue. However, while political scientists are lost in the theories and guesses about the routes and purposes of the North Korean armored train, the true reason for the visit of Kim Jong Il to Beijing, if it really took place, remains a mystery.

As well as the essence of the ideas of Juche, proclaimed by his father, the “Red Sun of Korea leader Kim Il Sung.” Everyone heard of them, but nobody knows what their great secret is. So the current visit of Kim Jong Il to China can be called a powerful Juche step of the great and beloved leader

The Global Media Dictatorship

No one should believe that the evidence that exposes the young U.S. soldier of twenty-two, Bradley Manning, to make available to the Wiki leaks site a vast collection of secret documents on daily brutal actions carried out by U.S. troops in their war against Afghanistan, will have serious significance in the course of the war policy of the United States
The powerful device of silence and lies which the supreme government has to conceal and cover for Washington, applies to this situation. The resources that have escaped any demand for clarification of the falsehoods in the official version of the events of September 11, 2001 in the United States, which served as a pretext to launch the war against terrorism has actually been a war against the "dark corners of the Third World."
This, to cite only one of many acts of sleight of hand by the media in the history of the American nation.
The American demon covens assembled to justify the initiation of their wars against weaker opponents are well known to history. It is not necessary to go further back than the twentieth century, recalling Korea (North-South conflict), Vietnam (Gulf of Tonkin), Iraq (weapons of mass destruction), Afghanistan (Osama bin Laden and the Taliban) and many others each with a fabricated pretext.
But, how can they control the dissemination of information by the country's media mecca that claims "freedom of the press?
It turns out not to be so difficult for them. Often, alternative media and others who are not part of the so-called big corporate media, hardly reach the majority of the population unable to gain access - they speak and write about the techniques, skills and resources for control of information that apply in the United States.
It is known that six major conglomerates that make up what is called mainstream media or MSM control 90% of the shares of large media companies that, in turn, produce 90% of what is read, seen and heard by Americans. From the MSM, the American power elite maintain a systematic and effective control of information, not only within the U.S., but globally.
According to a Canadian magazine published by Global Outlook, six conglomerates control information and entertainment in the United States and in much of the world. They are:
DISNEY, owner of ABC, Touchdown Pictures, Buena Vista, Hollywood Pictures, Caravan Pictures, Miramax Films, the production of documentaries A & F, TV History Channel, Discovery, Disney and others;
AOL / Time Warner, which owns CNN, HBO, Warner Brothers, Castle Rock, Time, Sports Illustrated, People, Fortune, Entertainment, Money, Netscape and others;

VIACOM, which includes CBS, Paramount Pictures, Simon & Schuster, Pocket Books, Blockbusters, Showtime, MTV, The Movie Channel & Nickelodeon, BET, Nickelodeon, etc..;
GENERAL ELECTRIC, owner of NBC, CNBC, MSNBC, Bravo, Universal Pictures, and thirteen televisions stations, and closely linked to the arms and aerospace industries;
RUPERT MURDOCH'S NEWS CORPORATION, owner of Fox TV, DirecTV, TV Guide, New York Post, The Weekly Standard, 20th Century Fox, MySpace and others;
Bertelsmann AG, one of the world's largest media corporations, has the European RTL-TV, Random House, Bantam Dell, Doubleday, Alfred A. Knopf, Vintage Books, and others.
The first five are registered as American and the last one is German

It would be wrong to presume that these huge consortiums are subordinate to the United States government and therefore abide by the dictates of the White House. The truth is that both Washington and the giants of information are controlled by the same power elite in the exercise of its world tyranny.
These media conglomerates do not need control on the part of the government, because they themselves are part of the supreme power. In fact, the government alone controls a relatively small number of newspapers, magazines, television and radio stations, movies, videos, labels, etc., Which, together with alternative media only scarcely influences 10% of the population.
The ineptitude with which the superpower has been led by this mysterious supreme government that no one has chosen, but by which the satanic gang manages the fate of the empire beyond its constitutional powers is the dome of the world capitalist system.
Under the leadership of this shadowy elite, their selfish nature shows itself increasingly incompatible with the survival of the human race, America is stuck in an awkward and dangerous position in which the owner of the world seems destined to lose everything for its stubbornness, thus causing something close to apocalypse for mankind.

Tuesday, 10 August 2010

ग़ालिब का मिजाज़...

दिल्ली में रथ को कुछ लोग स्त्रीलिंग और कुछ लोग पुल्लिंग बोलते हैं। किसी ने एक बार मिर्ज़ा ग़ालिब से पूछा कि सही क्या है? मिर्ज़ा ने जवाब दिया कि जब रथ में औरतें बैठी हो तो स्त्रीलिंग और मर्द बैठे हो तो पुल्लिंग। ... इस पर किसी ने फ़रमाया- अच्छा, इसी तरह मर्द पहने तो जूता और औरत पहने तो जूती। मिर्ज़ा ने उसे सुधारा- नहीं, मियाँ, ज़ोर से पड़े तो जूता और हौले पड़े तो जूती।
एक बार मिर्ज़ा कर्नल ब्राउन से मिलने गये। उसने इनकी पोशाक देखकर पूछा- तुम मुसलमान हो। मिर्ज़ा ने कहा- आधा। कर्नल ने सवाल किया- क्या मतलब। मिर्ज़ा ने जवाब दिया- शराब पीता हूँ, सुअर नहीं खाता।
एक दिन एक परिचित मिर्ज़ा से मिलने रात को ही चले गए। वो जब जाने लगे तो मिर्ज़ा शमादान लेकर नीचे तक आए। मेहमान ने कहा- आपने क्यों ज़हमत उठाई। मैं अपना जूता तो पहचान ही लेता।
मिर्ज़ा ने कहा- मैं तो शमादान इसलिए लाया हूँ कि कहीं आप मेरा जूता पहनकर न चले जाएं।
मिर्ज़ा आम के बड़े शौकीन थे। एक दिन अपने दोस्त के साथ आम चूस रहे थे। छिलके और गुठलियां गली के परले सिरे पर फिंकवा दी गई। एक गधा उधर से निकला। छिलके-गुठलियां सूंघकर, बिना खाये आगे बढ़ गया। शख्स़ ने कहा- देखा मिर्ज़ा गधे भी आम नहीं खाते। मिर्ज़ा ने तुरंत जवाब दिया- हाँ, मियाँ गधे ही आम नहीं खाते।
गरीबी और लगातार आर्थिक कठिनाईयों के बावजूद ग़ालिब ने कभी अपने स्वाभिमान का सौदा नहीं किया। दिल्ली कॉलेज के लिए फारसी के एक प्रोफेसर की तलाश थी। कुछ लोगों न ग़ालिब का नाम सुझाया। उन्हें बुलाया गया। पालकी पर सवार ग़ालिब, सेक्रेटरी के घर पहुँचे। उनको इत्तला की गई। ग़ालिब पालकी से उतरकर इस भरोसे में बाहर ही रुके कि उनके स्वागत के लिए सेक्रेटरी आयेंगे। जब बहुत देर हो गयी और सेक्रेटरी को वजह मालूम हुई तो वह खुद बाहर आए और उसने मिर्ज़ा से कहा- आप जब गवर्नर के दरबार में आयेंगे तब आपका इस्तकबाल किया जाएगा लेकिन इस वक्त तो आप नौकरी के लिए आए हैं। आपका उस तरह ख़ैर मक़दम तो नहीं किया जा सकता। मिर्ज़ा ने कहा- सरकार की मुलाजमत का इरादा इसलिए किया कि इज्ज़त मैं इज़ाफा हो, यहाँ तो मौजूदा एजाज़ मैं ही फ़र्क आ रहा है। मुझे इस खिदमत से माफ़ रक्खा जाए। और मिर्ज़ा वापस चले आए।
वह तो कॉलेज की नौकरी थी ग़ालिब तो इतने खुद्दार थे कि अगर क़ाबे का भी दरवाज़ा खुला न मिले तो वो वहाँ से भी वापस आ जाँय।

Friday, 6 August 2010

Time Machine Built in Europe

Russian physicists seriously believe that the Large Hadron Collider can be used for time travel. However, it will only happen when it starts working at full capacity and stops breaking down.
If earlier time travel was considered science fiction, now it suddenly turned into the favorite pet project of theoretical physicists. Renowned physicist Kip Thorne of the California Institute of Technology once said in one of his lectures:
“Once upon a time, time travel was the exclusive prerogative of writers. Serious scientists were shunning it like the plague, even when they were writing novels under a pseudonym or were secretly reading them. The times have changed! Now in serious scientific journals you can find a scientific analysis of time travel, authored by outstanding theoretical physicists. Why this change? Physics simply understood that the nature of time is too important to give it to the mercy of writers.”
Today, there are many different schemes of devices designed for time travel. The main one is the Large Hadron Collider. It was launched in the fall of 2008. This is the most powerful particle accelerator in history located on the border of Switzerland and France. In its 27-kilometer ring scientists are trying to collide beams of protons accelerated to nearly light speed. As expected, this device will provide new information about particles and forces acting in space, as well as will reproduce conditions that existed immediately after the Big Bang gave birth to the universe.
Russia Today: LHC's little brother to beam near Moscow
After launching the collider, people were scared of the giant black hole capable of swallowing the Earth. Yet, scientists quickly calmed the population saying that in case of a collision of particles in the collider, the holes that may appear would be microscopic, or so large that they can be used as a handy tool for time travel.
This sensational proposal was made by two doctors of physical and mathematical sciences, Professors of Institute of Mathematics named after Steklov, Irina Arefyeva and Igor Volovich.
“Modern principles of theoretical mathematical physics allow the possibility of time travel,” explains Volovich, a member of RAS. “One of the admissible models of working time machine is the so-called wormhole, that is, a space-time tunnel leading to another time or space. And the probability of formation of a wormhole in the LHC is comparable to the probability of occurrence of the black hole itself, which can occur when particles collide with high energy.

As explained by the physics, wormhole is a tunnel connecting different parts of space and time. Entrance to the tunnel may be the size of a star, a planet, a house and even a speck of dust, depending on a purpose of the tunnel use. After all, there is a difference between sending a photon or a group of tourists. You can get to another galaxy, or another universe. And you can also get into in the past. In terms of the physical properties, the entrance to the wormhole is very similar to the entrance to the black hole. The difference is that you can come back.
Since the LHC is designed, figuratively speaking, to create a part of space on Earth, then it can be used to obtain dark energy. This is also an important detail of creating the miracle machine. Another necessary condition for making the machine work is to distort space and time so it closes up in a ring. And the LHC is quite capable of that.
“This phenomenon in physics is called “closed time-like curve,” explains Professor Arefyeva. “It allows, at least theoretically, returning to the past.”
“Is it possible to have a paradox described by Bradbury, when a traveler caught in the past accidentally steps on a butterfly, which results in coming to power of a different president in his time? “
“We expected such issues,” says professor Volovich. “We came to this conclusion: time travel may change the course of history, but not very significantly.”
To make time machine the reality, the scientists stress the need for the LHC to reach at least the design capacity (now it is working at half capacity) and stop breaking down.
“So far, our biggest home is that the LHC will demonstrate the existence of wormhole. If some of the collision energy in the collider disappears, this can be explained by the creation of particles that pierce time through wormholes.”
Research and Development Center of the European Council for Nuclear Research (CERN), promised that the LHC will start working as expected in September. Then it becomes clear whether Russian physicists were right in their solution of the most intriguing problem of mankind.

Wednesday, 4 August 2010

जनता की जनसरोकारिता

मानवता और समाज के विकास में आम आदमी की सीधी तौर से जिम्मेदारी होती है। अगर यह भागीदारी निभाने के लिए कोई जनता तैयार नहीं है तब समाज का स्वरूप क्या हो सकता है, इसका अनुमान लगाना भी भयावह है। इसी तरह के अनुभव आज सुबह मुझे देश की राजधानी नई दिल्ली में बस यात्रा के दौरान प्राप्त हुआ। मेरी बस यमुना नदी के पूरब की ओर से एक ऐतिहासिक पुल से गुजरता हुआ नई दिल्ली की ओर सरपट दौड़ती हुई आ रही थी। मैं और सहयात्री यमुना नदी की बदले हुए काया को देखकर आनंदित हो रहे थे और सभी लोगों के दिल व दिमाग को सुकून मिल रहा था कि यमुना नदी के रंग काले से बदल कर पीलापन लिए हुए है। कुछ लोग यह भी कह रहे थे कि इसी तरह यमुना नदी में पानी का बहाव बना रहा तो संभव है कि आने वाले समय में यमुना जी का रंग काला के बदले उनकी अपनी प्रकृतिक रंग देखने के लिए नसीब हो। कोई कह रहा था, यह बारसात के मौसम का और हरियाणा में आए हुए बाढ़ की कृपा है जिसने यमुना जी के रंग को काला से गोरा बना दिया है।
इसी तरह यमुना नदी को निहारते हुए जितनी आँखे देख रही थी उतनी ही जुब़ान उनके गीत गा रहे थे। जब हमारी बस नदी की ठीक बीच में आई तब एक आदमी अचानक हड़बड़ाकर उठा और बस के गेट पर आकर कहने लगा कि मुझे घर के पूजा के फूल नदी में विसर्जित करना है। उसके हाथ में एक बड़ा थैला था। ठीक उसी समय पुल पर ट्रैफिक जाम हो गई और उस आदमी के लिए स्वर्ग के दरवाजा भी खुल गए। बस में बैठे उसके साथ के लोग उसे सीखा रहे थे कि बस जब रूकेगी तब जल्दी से उतर कर वह तेजी से अपने काम को अंजाम दे दे। वह फुर्ती से उतरा और पुल पर बने बेड़े से नदी में छपाक से अपनी भगवान पर चढ़ाए हुए श्रद्धा को फेंक दिया। उसके चेहरे पर खुशी की लकीर देखे जा सकते थे।
लोगों के आपसी हलचल सुनकर मेरी नज़र उस आदमी पर गई। मेरी ज़ुबान से सहसा निकल पड़ा, बहुत अच्छा-बहुत अच्छा, शाबाश! मुझे खुशी हुई कि आपने यह काम अपने खुशी के लिए किया। आप क्यों नहीं करेंगे? यही काम करके तो सारी दिल्ली के लोग पूरे देश में समझदार कहे जाते हैं, सबसे ज्यादा पढ़े-लिखे कहे जाते हैं। इसी काम से दिल्ली के लोग इतने धन्नाठ और रसूखदार हुए हैं। तब आप भला क्यों अपनी समझदारी का सामूहिक प्रदर्शन करने में पीछे रहेंगे।
मेरी कही गई बात सुनकर सम्मानीय यात्रीगण मुस्कुरा रहे थे। कुछ लोग आँखे खोलकर संपूर्ण नाटक का मज़ा ले रहे थे। लेकिन वह आदमी निर्भीक था, लेकिन हां थोड़ा सहमा-सहमा भी जरूर था। वह पुन: अपनी जगह पर आ गया था। मेरी बातों का उसने जवाब देना जरूरी समझा और कहा कि “यह मुद्दा बहस का नहीं है। उस थैला में मेरे घर के पूजा का फूल था जो नदी में प्रवाहित करने के लिए होता है।”
इस कार्यक्रम के मुख्य बातें बस इतना ही है। फिर क्या हुआ? यह तो आप सब जानते हैं। हर कार्यक्रम की एक अवधि होती है। मसलन कहीं पर किसी की हत्या कर दी जाती है। वहां से लाश चली है। पुलिस भी अपनी भूमिका अदा कर चले जाते हैं। उसके बाद उस स्थान पर क्या कुछ हुआ। सारा घटनाक्रम वहां लोग या कहे इस सामाज के लोगों के दिमाग से छूमंतर हो जाता है।
अलबत्ता बस में भी यही हुआ। सभी लोग फिर से अपनी नयनसुख भोगते हुए यमुना नदी का पुल पार कर गए। लेकिन सवाल स्थिर है, सहमा हुआ सा है। इस समाज के लोग क्यों नहीं जनसरोकार के विषय को बहस का मुद्दा बनाते हैं। क्या कभी ऐसा हो सकता है कि इस दिल्ली में रहने वाले लोग सिर्फ एक दिन अपनी ऑफिस ड्यूटी को किनारे कर इस समाज के सबसे महत्वपूर्ण ड्यूटी को पूरा करेगा। सभी लोग सड़क पर उतर कर यमुना नदी में फेंके जा रहे कचरे रोके, नदी में खोले गए नाले के मुहाने को बंद करे दे। साथ ही एक चेतावनी दिया जाए कि यदि आगे से कभी यमुना नदी को गंदा करने की कोशिश की गई तो दिल्ली में एक बार फिर 1857 की तरह यमुना नदी की आजादी के लिए दिल्ली जल उठेगा।
एक स्वस्थ समाज के लिए जरूरी होता है कि वह हिंसामुक्त हो। लेकिन समाज में सुधार और पृथ्वी के स्वास्थ के लिए कुछ कठोर निर्णय लेना ही होगा। हम पृथ्वी पर रहते हुए पृथ्वी को ही क्यों भूल गए हैं। हम इसके बनावट से अनजान नहीं रह सकते? आखिर इस पृथ्वी को हम मानव से और भला क्या चाहिए, सिर्फ यही न कि यहां के पांच तत्वों को उनके प्राकृतिक स्वरूप में बने रहने दें। हम लोग इस पृथ्वी से इतना कुछ पाते हैं। उसके बदले में केवल और केवल पांच मांगे पूरी नहीं कर सकते? आखिर कब तक...

Tuesday, 3 August 2010

रेड वाइन पियो और ज्यादा जिओ...

भारतीय मूल के एक अमेरिकी वैज्ञानिक ने दावा किया है कि रेड वाइन का सेवन करने वाले इसका सेवन नहीं करने वालों की तुलना में ज्यादा अधिक दिनों तक जीते और अधिक स्वस्थ रहते हैं। एक खबर में कहा गया है कि रेड वाइन में पाया जाने वाला ‘रेसवेराट्राल’ शरीर में सूजन कम करने में मदद करता है। इससे दिल की बीमारियाँ और टाइप टाइप के मधुमेह की चपेट में आने की संभावना कम हो जाती है।
बफेली विश्वविद्यालय के इनडॉक्रीनोलॉजी विभाग के प्रमुख परेश डानडोना के नेतृत्व में किए गए शोध से पता चला है कि रेसवेराट्रोल के सेवन से टाइप टाइप के मधुमेह, बढ़ती उम्र, दिल की बीमारियों और यहां तक दिल के आद्यात के रोकथाम में काफी हद तक मदद मिलती है। डानडोना ने डॉक्टरी की पढ़ाई नई दिल्ली स्थित अखिल भारतीय चिकित्सा संस्थान से की है। डानडोना की टीम ने शोध के दौरान आधे प्रतिभागियों को ‘रेसवेराट्रोल’ युक्त 40 मीलीग्राम प्राकृतिक पूरक की खुराक दी थी, जबकि बाकी के प्रतिभागियों को इस दौरान एक ऐसा दवाई दी गई, जिसमें किसी प्रकार का सक्रिय संघटन नहीं पाया जाता है।
प्रतिभागियों को छह सप्ताह तक एक गोली लेनी थी। इसेक बाद उनके खून के नमूने जमा किए गए। यह काम पहले, तीसरे और छठे सप्ताह में किया गया। जांच से पाया गया कि रेसवेराट्राल के सेवन करने वाले लोगों के शरीर में सृजन कम पाई गई, क्योंकि इसके असर ने इससे जुड़े अणुओं को कमजोर कर दिया था। ‘रेसवेराट्रोल’ के सेवन से प्रतिभागियों के शरीर के खून की नलियों में पाए जाने वाले वे अणु भी कमजोर होते चले गए, जिनके कारण शरीर मे इंसुलिन के बनने की प्रक्रिया प्रभावित होती है। इंसुलिन का स्तर कम होने कारण ही मधमेह होता है।

Wednesday, 28 July 2010

मार्टिन लूथर...

एक विचारक और सुधारक थे। वे मानते थे कि यहूदी पैदायशी झूठे और दुष्ट होते हैं। उनकी एक किताब का शीर्षक ही हैः यहूदी और उनके झूठ। इसमें वे अपने लोगों को धिकारते हैं कि शर्म करो, यहूदी जिन्दा हैं। वे अपने लोगों का आह्वान करते हैं कि इन जहरीले कीड़ों के घर, उपासना स्थल, पवित्र पोथियों जला दी जाएँ। ऐसी हालत कर दी जाए कि यहूदी या तो सदा के लिए, जहन्नुम नहीं तो कहीं और जले जाएँ, ताकि हमारा प्यारा देश उनके फैलाए गन्द से पाक हो। देश में रहना ही है तो यहूदी हमारे दास बन कर रहें। यहूदियों से इस विचारक को इतनी घृणा थी कि कहते थे कि यदि कोई यहूदी मेरे पास बपतिस्मा कराने आए तो उसे पुल से नदी में धक्का देकर कहूँगा- जा हो गया तेरा बपतिस्मा।
हिटलर की नहीं, हम बात कर रहे हैं, मार्टिन लूथर की, जो कबीर के कनिष्ठ समकालीन थे, और जिनसे कबीर की तुलना ब्रिदिश अध्येता करते थे, कुछ तो कबीर को भारतीय लूथर भी बताया करते थे। लूथर का समय 1483-1546 है। यहूदी और उनके झूठ की रचना लूथर ने जवानी के जोश में नहीं, पीढ़ी उम्र में, अपने निधन से तीन साल पहले 1543 में की थी। इस समय वे प्रोटेस्टेंट रिफार्मेशन के जन्मदाता के रूप में विख्यात हो चुके थे, जर्मन सामन्तों के बीच मसीहा की हैसिहत हासिल कर चुके थे। लूथर के यहूदी विरोधी विचारों ने हिटलर को काफी प्रेरित किया था। लूथर के समय और परिवेश में पुस्तक दहन का सांस्कृतिक कार्यक्रम जोर-शोर से चल रहा था, कुरान के लैटिन अनुवाद को भी जलाने का फैसला हो चुका था। लूथर ने कुरान को न जलाने की सिफारिश की, ताकि लोग जान सकें कि इस किताब में कैसी-कैसी शैतानी खुराफातें भरी हुई हैं, और इसका अनुमान करने वाले किस हद तक शैतान की गिरफ्त में हैं।

Sunday, 30 May 2010

Japanese Robots to Build Station for Human on Moon by 2020

Japan has developed a strategy of the national space mission. The new strategy stipulates the landing of robots on the Moon by 2020. The robots will build an unmanned station on the south pole of Earth’s satellite. The station will be functioning automatically to generate power for equipment. A wheeled rover is to land on the Moon already in 2015.

Japan ’s Yomiuri newspaper wrote that the total amount of investments in the lunar project was evaluated at 200 billion yens ($2.2 billion). Japan had to considerably cut the budget of the program because of the financial crisis.

The program to explore the lunar surface is divided into two parts. A wheeled rover equipped with a seismograph will be launched to the moon before 2015. The rover will analyze the inner structure of the moon and will transmit image and video files to Earth.

The lunar base will be built and equipped during the next five years. The base will allow to supervise a group of lunar robots within the radius of 100 kilometers.

The construction of Japan’s first base on the moon will mark a new step on the way to new technologies in the field of space exploration.

Japanese scientists said that the robotic devices would be able to generate electric power autonomously.

The previous government of Japan with Taro Aso at the head actively discussed the lunar exploration program. However, the appearance of the new administration in the United States made Japan pay more attention to the exploration of Mars and smaller planets. The Japanese administration has changed too, but the new government of the nation still considers the strategy of the lunar exploration a priority.

It is worthy of note that India and China have recently been promoting their own programs of space exploration too. Therefore, Japan tries to keep leadership in the field of peaceful exploration of Earth’s satellite.

Viktor Kirichenko of Russia’s Institute for Robotic Science and Engineering Cybernetics said in an interview with Pravda.Ru that the robotic exploration of the solar system planets and the Moon was one of the top priorities in the development of space robotic science.

“The goals, which can be achieved in this direction, can be divided in three groups. The first one is connected with autonomous surface research robots. Such robots will provide information about the structure of the surface of a celestial body, the availability of mineral resources, climate conditions and other natural factors which can be very important for would-be manned missions.

“The robots will act like reconnaissance men who will help humans understand the nature of a planet. The second group is the robots designed to create and maintain objects of on-planet infrastructure. Mobile robotic devices equipped with mechanic arms and visual facilities will be able to conduct a whole range of works to build power-generating stations complete with communication and life support systems for humans an many other things.

“The third group is helper robots who will deal with routine operations to maintain the planetary base and provide everything else that humans may need there,” the scientist said.

Tuesday, 25 May 2010

Turkey's Gandhi' to lead main center-left opposition party

A man dubbed Turkey's Gandhi' is set to be come the leader of the country's opposition people's Republic Party (CHP) after the resignation of the center-left party's longstanding leader.

The new leader of the Turkey's main opposition is being heralded by much of the media as the Turkish 'Gandhi' Kemel Kiliacdaroglu earned his nickedname because of his slight frame and mild demeanor and tendency to reject ostentation. His election is being heralded as a potential earthquake in Turkish politics.

Sixty-one year-old Kiliacdaroglu was elected leader of the center-left Republican People's party(CHP) with a massive majority. In his first speech Kiliacdaroglu promised to bring his party back to its roots.

"We will fight corruption in a real sense and bring injustice to an end" Kiliacdaroglu said. "We will combat unemployment and poverty from the very begining."

Kemel Kiliacdaroglu's background, too, is very different for turkey politics. He is an Aleui-which means he is a member of a progressive Islamic sect which is often discriminated against by orthodox Muslims in Turkey. He also comes from a predominantly Kurdish region of the country.

In his first speech the committed his party to reducing the ten percent electoral threshold which effectively bars kurdish regional parties from gaining entry in parliament.

Kemel Kiliacdaroglu also has a humble reputation, dressing modestly and preferring public transport to chauffeur-driven limousines. And crueially, in a country continually hit by corruption scandals, he has made his political name exposing high-level government graft, forcing two senior resignations from the ruling justice and development Party(AKP).


An opinion poll published last week suggested that Kiliacdaroglu's appointment would attract more votes. With national elections due next year the ruling A K Party is facing its first serious contender since it came to power eight years ago. Turkish media say that's good for democracy.

It remarks unclear whether Kiliacdaroglu can maintain his political momentum, and critics point out he has given few policy details. Moreover, his quite demeanor could mean he'll wither in the cut and thrust of Turkish politics. But with just over a year to go to general elections, he has a momentum and has given belief back to his party, on which has been out of power for more than 3 decades.

Monday, 24 May 2010

UFOs Start to Appear in Moscow on Regular Basis

Lately, Russian media has been reporting on unidentified flying objects seen in Moscow skies. Recently a video was posted online showing a huge triangle 1.5 km wide soaring above the Moscow Kremlin. It was sitting above Red Square and shot by amateurs twice.

The video was widely discussed in foreign communities interested in ufology. According to a former UFO analyst of the British Defense Ministry, this is the most bizarre and unusual video of a UFO he has ever seen.
On October 7, 2009 a strange round cloud resembling a saucer was shot above Moscow Ring Road. At first it was noticed above Leninsky Prospect metro station, which is in downtown Moscow.
According to employees of the independent group “Heritage,” the object probably wanted to provide encoded information that Earth is threatened by asteroids. On October 27, two days after the researchers presented at the 14th Ufology Conference, the media, referring to NASA, released belated information about a meteorite explosion above Sulawesi Island.
In the evening of December 21, 2009, a reporter of Komsomolskaya Pravda who was shooting the panorama of Red Square unexpectedly shot something that looked like a stick with six wings. He did not see anything while he was shooting and only saw it on his pictures, as it often happens with UFOs.
The “hero” of the shoot was identified by the chair of Ufology committee with the Russian Geographical society Michael Gernstein. “This is a skyfish, flying rod, or solar entitiy. Ufology websites are filled with similar pictures.”
Some hot heads stated that these are live beings unknown to science. Others think these are creatures that came from plasma world inhibited by souls and ghosts.
UFOs above Moscow are not a frequent event, but not exclusive one either. In winter of 1584, a cross-shaped object with a lit up bubble in the center was seen in Moscow sky in day light.
Ivan the Terrible, who was then the Tsar, came outside as soon as he heard about it to “see the miracle with his own eyes.” The witnesses said he watched it for a while and then said, his face pale, that it was a sign of his death. It was indeed his last year.
Fireballs are also frequently seen in downtown Moscow. On August 5, 1977, three fireballs were seen. One came down on Ivanovskaya square, another one disappeared in Tainitsky garden, and the third one flew into the Archangelsk cathedral.
It moved along an S-shaped trajectory because the entrance to the cathedral consists of two pairs of doors. From the entrance the fireball moved to the altar, banged against the Tsar gates and exploded. A black spot remained on the altar from the explosion. It is hard to believe that this was an accident.
Some scientists believe such phenomena to be signs of the future. But what do they indicate? Some extraordinary future events? Or, maybe, aliens are trying to tell us that they support us in tough times? We shall see.

China: Sri Lanka's 'unconditional' ally

China's influence in Sri Lanka has increased immensely in recent years. The East Asian nation has not only become one of Sri Lanka's key trade partners and a major military ally, but it has helped the South Asian country counter Western pressure on issues such as human rights.

It has been a year since Sri Lanka's army secured victory over the Tamil Tiger rebels or LTTE and the decades' old civil war came to an end. This wouldn't have become possible without the support of Sri Lanka's key ally China, many in the South Asian nation think.
"China helped the Sri Lankan state immensely with the war with the LTTE when the Sri Lankan government needed assistance in terms of weapons and ammunition etc," says SI Keethaponcalan, an expert from the University of Colombo.

Diplomatic support 
The People's Republic's support came on the diplomatic front as well. When the West sharply criticized the Sri Lankan government's handling of the conflict, particularly the final stages of the war, and the US stopped its military aid over human rights issues, Beijing threw its weight behind Colombo by blocking a resolution censuring Sri Lanka at the UN Security Council. After that the relations between the two traditional allies strengthened further.
Experts say the basis for the close bilateral ties between the two sides is the fact that China’s support to Sri Lanka is unconditional. "Unlike the Western countries and organizations which impose conditions when they give us aid, whether it is the World Bank or IMF or bilateral aid, the Chinese have been giving us aid without asking questions," says Kalyananda Godage, a former Sri Lankan ambassador to the EU.
 Countering India
 Another major reason why Sri Lanka values this relationship is that China acts as a counterweight to its long-term ally India, says Jehan Perera, the executive director of the National Peace Council, a civil rights body in Colombo:
 "India has had a major impact on Sri Lanka and has pressurized Sri Lanka in various ways in the past. So Sri Lanka would like to have a counterweight of equal size and stature to India to balance it off," says Perera.
 Growing Chinese investment
With almost $1 billion in development aid, Beijing surpassed Tokyo as Colombo's largest foreign donor last year.
The Chinese are also building a massive port worth almost a billion US dollars in Hambantota on Sri Lanka's southeastern coast. Some Western media have reported that China would like to use it as a naval base. But the Sri Lankan government has insisted that the purpose of the port is purely commercial.
 "China has a huge navy. It is now an emerging superpower and its trade is huge with the West. China needs energy supplies from the Middle East. And all of this passes via Sri Lanka because of our location in the Indian Ocean. So that has become very important," says former diplomat Godage.
 Exciting market
 The emerging superpower has also become an increasingly important trading partner for the Sri Lankans. Gems, jewelry, tea and natural rubber are areas where Colombo sees potential for the bilateral trade to grow further.
 "It is a market that is going to mature," says Shezard Careem, one of the leading gem traders in Colombo. "It is tremendously wealthy and a luxury market as well. It provides a whole gamut of opportunities."
 Human rights: an 'internal issue'
 While China and its western partners have differences over issues such as human rights in China, many in Sri Lanka consider this as China's internal matter.
 "We are not going to be concerned about China's human rights record, they can look after that," says Godage. "We are interested in a good mutually beneficial relationship which also looks after our security, economic and political interests. So we are very happy with our relationship with China."
 The urge to not to lose or upset this 'valuable' partner is so huge that Sri Lanka, a predominantly Buddhist country, even stopped two of its cricket players from meeting the Dalai Lama in India recently.

Pakistan and China - unlikely friends

China is quite possibly the closest international ally of Pakistan. Defense cooperation in particular has a long history. Most Western experts are convinced that even Pakistan's nuclear bomb is based on Chinese designs.

China and Pakistan are unlikely partners. A communist country with a deep suspicion of religion, and a staunchly Islamic Republic, which at the same time is a multi-party democracy, don't seem to make an ideal match - and they wouldn't, were it not for a shared distrust of their common neighbor, India. Former Pakistani Foreign Secretary Shamshad Ahmad explains the special relationship with China in this way:

"I think it's the geopolitics of the region and common interests because of geopolitics. It is, essentially, the mutuality of benefits and the commonality of interests. There is no emotion involved. I don't think in international politics, there is any emotion."

Disappointed with the West

However, when many in Pakistan's foreign policy circles start talking about international relations, they can become very emotional. That is when they talk about Pakistan's disillusionment with the West, who left the region alone after the war against the Soviets in Afghanistan; left it alone with scores of fundamentalist militants groomed by the West, only to return suddenly after 9/11, demanding Pakistan eliminate militancy. Now again, the West is pouring a lot of money into the country, but only a tiny corrupt elite benefits from this, says Shamshad Ahmad. Now, compare that with China:

"They did not ask us to fight any war. They did not use us for any purpose. And the people here know China only by the symbols of well-being that they have erected in our country. You know, whatever assistance they gave to Pakistan has benefited directly the people. They have built projects like the Karakoram Highway, which provides a linkage between Pakistan and China itself, but it has helped the people of Pakistan in terms of trade and interaction."

There is a long list of similar projects that combine a certain strategic value with tangible benefits for millions of Pakistanis - from nuclear power plants to the new deep-water sea port at Gwadar.

Trade can be tricky

And of course, there are the Chinese goods that have swamped the markets in Pakistan just as anywhere else.

They are a tough competition for Pakistani industrialists. And Sadiq-ur-Rehman Rana, a consultant who has been working with China for decades, has good experience with Chinese producers, but says handling the thousands of Chinese trade houses that dominate bilateral trade can be quite a challenge for a Pakistani trader:
"In China, there is no branded production. So the trade house doesn't tell him who is the manufacturer, and he signs the agreement, and then later on he is sent a low-tech item sometimes."

Pakistani businessman Almas Haider says, "there is a tremendous language barrier, which actually has to be somehow managed. Because whatever you are saying may be misunderstood and you might get a wrong thing from them."

China as a model

For Sadiq-ur-Rehman Rana, who studied Chinese in China in the 1970s, there is no language barrier. Like most Pakistanis, the consultant admires China's pace of development:

"I feel that in Pakistan also fast-paced; widespread industrialization is the solution for countering the fundamentalism. If we have this fast-paced and widespread industrialization in Pakistan, a lot of things can change. Minds can open up. I have seen China in the last days of the Cultural Revolution, the planned economy in 1974-76. But then, the commune system dissolved and the fast-paced industrialization made a big change of mindset. It's a different society!"

With China's cheap technology becoming more and more advanced, the mainly defense-related strategic alliance with Pakistan is becoming more broad-based. Although economic cooperation has its difficulties, more and more Pakistanis are interested in benefiting from China's growth.

A Bangladeshi-Chinese love affair

China’s importance is growing day by day in Bangladesh. It is emerging as Bangladesh’s largest trade and development partner. But it wasn't always that way.

It seems the people of Bangladesh no longer think of the negative role China played for the country in its War of Independence in 1971, when China supported Pakistan. Instead, they have accepted China as a great friend.
Imtiaz Ahmed is an analyst of international relations and a professor of Dhaka University. He says China's policy of not mixing politics with trade has helped the situation. He says today, people have forgotten about China's role in the 70s. "Now over the years, China has emerged as the largest trading partner of Bangladesh, it has surpassed even India for quite some years. And is heavily engaged in developing infrastructure, particularly bridges and highways. So I think there has been a radical transformation when it comes to Bangladesh and China's relationship in the last 30 to 35 years."
Tousia Islam is a student at Dhaka University and she is a great fan of China. She thinks China has a lot to offer Bangladeshi people. She says, "Chinese food is so popular here. The most popular thing of China I think is their electronics – they're very cheap and especially like mobile phones or mp3 players so popular in Bangladesh. I personally like one thing of China, that is  their social culture and their family bonding nature. Our country should have a more friendly relation with China because economically they are so developed, they are one of the biggest countries in the world and they are so friendly to all the neighboring countries."
China's image "very positive"
The Chinese have not only impressed the people of Bangladesh with their food and culture, but also with their advancements in science and technology. Young Bangladeshis want to learn from the Middle Kingdom and gain the same technical know-how. Journalist Arif Mahmud says these are the reasons China is welcome: "China has developed in science and technology in the world and especially in the Asia-Pacific region."
China and Bangladesh have come a long way since the 1970s. Now there is a Bangladesh-China Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Bangladesh China Friendship Society promotes cultural exchange.
Shahjahan Mirdha is the head of both organizations. He praises the two countries' historic ties and says China has always been important for Bangladesh, which is why "all the prime ministers and presidents of Bangladesh paid official visits to China – even Bangladesh's founding father, Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. Now 70 percent of our imports come from China. Not only that, but Chinese martial arts and dragon dances are now popular in Bangladesh as well."
The Bangladesh government seems keen to avoid tensions with China. Last year, a photo exhibition on Tibet in Dhaka was closed by the authorities after complaints by the Chinese embassy.

Saturday, 15 May 2010

Why Don't They Publish Us?

From The Guardian and The New York Times to The Washington Post and Reuters, I've submitted several op-ed pieces and articles to the world's mainstream media outlets and newspapers over the past years. All of my submissions were responded identically: "Rejected"!

Intrinsically, it's an ambition of every journalist to reach out to a greater audience, achieve more exposure, make progress and improve his portfolio. Putting aside the primary motive of being renowned as a reference of public attention, the journalist aims to elevate his own viewpoint and advertise the way he looks into different matters as a precise and rectified account. The journalist is primarily looking for ways to exalt his own interpretation of stories and inculcate the reader a supposedly reliable, accurate analysis of a certain incident which is presumably "what he believes".

Thinking of methods to expand his coverage, journalist's principal purpose is to get in touch with the global audiences, instruct them on the basis of his own mindset, advocate a certain philosophy and denounce the other scopes of thought. This is actually how the journalist accomplishes his mission regardless of his ideological and reflective belongingness.

The inherent mission of a journalist is to enlighten the public opinions, help them distinguish the right from wrong and encourage the value of critical thinking. Although the journalism of 21st century has become an instrumental mechanism of disseminating falsehood, launching black propaganda and psychological warfare, the foremost responsibility of a journalist is to tell the truth even at the cost of his own defeat.

Anyway, I haven't come this long way to advocate the principles and fundamentals of journalism and sermonize about the basis of ethnic journalism; neither have I come to enumerate the responsibilities of a decent journalist and itemize his duties in respect of the public opinions. What I would like to discuss is the reasons why "they" don't publish "us". So who are these "they" and who are those "us"?

"They" are the chained, corporate media outlets whose interests are intertwined with together. "They" are the news networks, websites, magazines and journals who are afraid of the other side of story, so "they" prefer to withhold it from the public or distort it the other way.

"They" are the media outlets who are wise enough to recognize the difference between "nuclear energy" and "nuclear bomb", and that's why they use them interchangeably while translating the speeches of Iranian President.

"They" are the media outlets who are courteous and considerate enough to refer to the American President as President Obama and call the Iranian President "the hardliner".

"They" are the media outlets who feel free to run the most insulting and offensive cartoons about the Prophet of Islam whom some 1.5 billion people around the world venerate and glorify, because the "freedom of speech" allows them to do so. Interestingly, the same "freedom of speech" disallows them to publish a cartoon questioning the veracity of holocaust or an interview with a German political prisoner who has been jailed for 7 years simply due to his "visa overstay"!

"They" are the media outlets who can ridicule a 70-million nation by calling them "terrorists" collectively. "They" are the media outlets who can equalize a divine religion with radical terrorism, simply because they're free to express whatever they think by the virtue of "freedom of expression". "They" are the media networks who can invite the government opponents in a Third World country to break out into the streets, vandalize the public properties and stage a color revolution, because they have the authority and influence to do so.

"They" are those who can disregard the massacre of 1300 Palestinians as "collateral damage" and conflate the vicious carnage of Gaza with Israel's right to self-defense. "They" are those who can't ever tolerate for Israel only five minutes of the disastrous incidents which the Palestinian people are undergoing.

"They" are those who are affluent enough to finance the Arab media outlets in the Middle East to drop the name "Persian" off the term "Persian Gulf" because they know that the magnificent civilization of Iran is interweaved with the honorable history of Persian Gulf and Iranians are sensitive about this.

So, who is this "us"? It is us, who can't turn a blind eye to the atrocities of a racist regime whose existence is hinged on killing, destroying and devastating. It's us, who can't keep silent, remain indifferent and unconcernedly tolerate the offensive massacre of Palestinian people in the most brutal way. It's us who can't digest the double standards of the hegemonic superpowers. Why should the United States who has dropped hundreds of nuclear bombs on the heads of people in Hiroshima and Nagasaki and seized the lives of millions of innocent people impose financial sanctions on Iran which is trying to develop nuclear energy for civilian purposes? What's the fault of millions of Iranian people who are in dire need of special types of medicine which should be imported from the European countries? It's us, who can't call these unilateral and crippling sanctions a respectful homage to the so-called virtue of human rights; if these medicines are not imported to the country, millions of "human beings" will be exposed to the risk of death; it's us who want to call the hegemonic powers to minimally respect the "human rights" which they've invented themselves.

It's "us", who don't classify people on the basis of their color, race, religion or nationality. We don't consider the black, impoverished Africans to be socially lower or less important than the sumptuous, well-off whites in the Northern Europe. We don't call the Muslims terrorist altogether simply because an irreligious, American-manufactured pawn named Osama Bin Laden carries out terrorist attacks all around the world. Who is unaware of the extensive relations between the families of George W. Bush and Osama Bin Laden? Who can demonstrate that Bin Laden is a practicing Muslim? Who can demonstrate that he says prayers during the day and takes fast in the month of Ramadan? Who can rule out the possibility that Al-Qaeda is an American-funded group which is established to portray a brutal and inhuman image of the Muslims all around the world?

It's "us", who don't reiterate the obsolete threatening sentence of "all options are on the table". Unlike President Obama and his affiliated media outlets including, among others, Fox News and Voice of America we don't threaten any country of a nuclear strike and don't stage a propaganda project against any nation to demoralize them 24 hours a day.

There are countless differences between "they" and "us" and that's why they'll never publish something which is written by "us". The other side of story has to remain obscured and unrevealed routinely. It will not be a privilege for them to discuss something which is "out of context" or out of "popular interest", so it's not that much of a surprise to receive emails, telling us that "we receive many more submissions than we can publish; thank you this time, but we may regret that…"

In their eyes, our writings always contain a hoard of grammatical slips, factual errors, contextual deviations and whatever of the writing gaffes and inaccuracies you may visualize. That's why they don't publish us.

The World Has No Money, and the Emperor Has No Clothes

Most of us are aware of the very old fairly tale by Hans Christian Andersen in which two weavers promise an emperor the finest suit of clothes imaginable, but from a fabric invisible to anyone who is unfit for his position or "just hopelessly stupid". Well, in the fairy tale it turns out that nobody wants to admit that they are "unfit" or "stupid", so when the emperor parades before his subjects in his imaginary new suit of clothes, it takes a child to cry out: "But he isn't wearing anything at all!" Well, many of us have been declaring that the world economy "has no clothes" for some time now, but when the anchor of NBC News declares it on national television it gets a bit more attention. During his recent appearance on The Late Show with David Letterman, NBC's Brian Williams was asked about the world financial situation. His answer included this shocking statement: "The world has no money, and the Emperor has no clothes."

During the interview, it was readily apparent that Williams was honestly shaken up by what had happened last Thursday in the stock market. But who can blame him? After all, most of us who watch the markets were totally stunned when the stock market dropped almost 1000 points exactly in less than an hour.

Normally a network news anchor is much more guarded and is much more careful about what is revealed to the public. But on Letterman's show, Williams gave us a glimpse of what he really thinks about the world economic situation....

"If I wasn't a tad too close to this, I'd probably not leave the house. But that's how bad it is."

So why did the U.S. stock market plunge so rapidly last Thursday?

Well, many have blamed the episode on a "bad trade" or a "computer glitch". Others claim that the Greek debt crisis caused a brief panic. There are yet others who see something more insidious going on - such as Goldman Sachs seeking to remove their name from the financial headlines, or the Federal Reserve sending a message that S. 604 (the bill to audit the Federal Reserve) should not be passed.

The truth is that we will probably never know what actually caused the market to fall through the floor that afternoon.

But it did pave the way for more bailouts.

Over the weekend, European policy makers unveiled an unprecedented loan package worth almost $1 trillion and a program of bond purchases designed to stop the sovereign debt crisis that threatened to shatter confidence in the euro.

The Federal Reserve got into the act as well. Over the weekend the Fed promised to flood the international financial system with U.S. dollars. This was seen in the markets as a sign of "resolve" meant to keep doubt about the European economy from turning into a global crisis of confidence.

So on Monday, investors responded to these bailouts with exuberance. The Dow Jones industrial average gained 405 points that day, which was the average's biggest one day point gain since March 23rd, 2009.

But are more bailouts, more debt and a flood of paper money really something to celebrate?


The truth is that debt and paper money that continually declines in value are some of the chief causes of the financial mess that the world is now in.

In fact, Congressman Ron Paul is warning that the European bailout that was just announced will just lead to even larger financial problems in the future....

And Ron Paul is right - all of these bailouts and all of this debt will eventually cause all of the major paper currencies (including the U.S. dollar) to collapse.

The funny thing about these bailouts is that they never seem to help the average people on the street. Just take a look at the U.S. economy. We are told that Wall Street has recovered and that things are getting back to normal, and yet more Americans than ever find themselves dependent on the U.S. government for their survival.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture recently announced that 39.68 million people, or 1 out of every 8 Americans, were enrolled in the food stamp program during February, an increase of 260,000 from the previous month.

Nearly 40 million Americans on food stamps?

How in the world did that happen?

Once upon a time, the old timers would tell us that one day things would get so bad that we would all have to stand in bread lines.

Well, today food stamps are the new bread lines.

If you have to rely on the government for the very bread that you eat, what kind of a position does that put you in?

The truth is that the once great American middle class is allowing the system to slowly keep grinding them into oblivion.

Like never before in our lifetimes, wealth is being concentrated in the hands of the "lucky one percent", while the rest of us are rapidly being marginalized.

Do you ever stop to wonder why it seems like almost everyone is either broke or up to their eyeballs in debt?

That even goes for the major governments of the world. The U.S. government (the "wealthiest" nation on the globe) has piled up the biggest mountain of debt in world history.

You see, Brian Williams was actually chillingly accurate when he declared that "the world has no money".

So if the world doesn't have any money, then who does have it?

The international bankers.

But, shhhhh, don't tell anybody.

Just keep quietly clapping as the emperor walks down the street with no clothes on.

Russia To Become One of World’s Leading IT Trendsetters

Russia must become one of the world’s leading developers of IT technologies, President Dmitry Medvedev told the committee for modernization and technological development of the nation’s economy. The president also said that he was satisfied with the introduction of telecommunication systems of new generation in Russia.
“We do not have to invent a wooden bicycle in the field of communication standards. But if Russia could become a trendsetter in the field of IT technologies, it would be good. It is much more pleasant when the world lives on your standards than when you have to adjust to someone else’s standards,” he said.

Medvedev also said that the solution of such complicated problems as rescue operations, effective energy-saving and the work of the electronic government depends on the development of information technologies.

“The total income which 3G communication systems can give today may reach the number of $300 billion,” Medvedev said.

“Russia is currently modernizing its communication networks, provides high-sped access to information networks, introduces digital technologies and replaces outdated telephone stations with state-of-the-art communication systems,” the head of state said.

Most of the above-mentioned projects are conducted successfully, the president said. Medvedev also reminded that Russia successfully launched its first-ever Cyrillic .rf (.рф) national domain.

“I have just checked, the website президент.рф is up and running. The Cyrillic website of the government downloads too. The websites of other state departments will have Cyrillic domains ready this month. Commercial companies will be able to use Cyrillic domain names a bit later. Russia has become the first country in the world which obtained the national domain of the top level,” Medvedev said.